Thursday, February 5, 2009

Hamlet Criticism

Choose one of the criticisms below and write your reaction to it. In your reaction, make sure the reader can easily answer the following:

1. Does the blogger agree or disagree with the criticism?

2. What quote or quotes from the criticism does the blogger use in his/her reaction?

3. What original insight does the blogger add?

Eminem: A Modern Hamlet?

A Pyschoanalytical Analysis of "Mother" in Hamlet: Making Mother Matter. In Oedipal terms, does Hamlet love his mother?

Your reaction does not need to be lengthy. A paragraph or two will suffice.
Post your reaction as follows:

Criticism chosen: Either "Eminem" or "Making Mother Matter"

Reaction: Write your reaction making sure to cover the three questions above.


AngelaH said...

Hamlet in Shakespears’ Hamlet, and Eminem and his lyrics throughout his whole career are compared to each other in the essay. I do agree that Eminem is a modern day Hamlet because they both share similar traits. They both suffered problems with their family, hating their step-father figure, and having resent towards their mothers. They have problems with their loved ones, and demoralize the way a woman is. This is shown through things that Hamlet has said, and the lyrics Eminem says in his song. Hamlet says that he is going to”put on an antic disposition” which means that he is going to put on a show and be crazy, while Eminem puts it as “a couple of screws up in my head loose” meaning that Eminem has a lot wrong with him and he’s not all there. This to me is interesting because they are similar in more ways than just this. It’s possible that Eminem read Hamlet and was so interested in the way that Hamlet has portrayed his anger, that Eminem tried to some what copy the style.

TylerC said...

How much does Hamlet love his mother? In this book there is nothing to show that Hamlet has any abnormal feelings toward his mother, “While psychoanalysis provides methods of reading the constructions of sexuality in Hamlet, it does not implant sexuality in a text that otherwise has no reference to erotic subject matter.” Although at time in the movie his actions show other things. His movement looks, and things he says about and towards his mother show different feelings. When she marries his uncle where a normal person would push away he is almost drawn closer. Even after being betrayed by her he will die for his mother, in a way he idolizes her. Immediately Hamlet hates his uncle for obvious reasons, but is there another reason jealousy? One may never know because Shakespeare can never be asked these questions.

Erica said...

I agree with the criticism from Chris Begeman’s a Modern Hamlet. At first when I heard about this article I didn’t think Eminem could possibly be seen as “similar” to Hamlet, but upon reading it I changed my mind. A quote from this article that I think is very true is “Both men extrapolate the emotion and project it onto other women, especially those with whom they are romantically involved” The emotion that this quote is referring to is their parent’s re-marriage to their stepparents. In my opinion, Hamlet and Mathers can be seen as two people who aren’t necessarily “all together” and everything that they have been through make them more resentful and angry.

KristieG said...

Kristie Ghee

In part, I do agree that Hamlet and Eminem are similar in each other’s personalities. They both have problems within their families, within their relationships with women, and also inside their minds. The article explains these specifics of these problems that Hamlet and Eminem have in common, especially lines from the play and some of Eminem’s lyrics from various songs that were almost the same. The article states, “One of the prevalent themes in both Hamlet and Mathers' lyrics is the questionable sanity of the character.” This quote explains that both Eminem and Hamlet have unsteady mental states which give them something in common. I think it is possible to call Eminem the modern-day Hamlet, but it is also possible to say that a number of other musicians of today could also be the “modern-day Hamlet.” This is because many artists have many of the same problems as Eminem including with family, significant other or within their own minds, which they write about these problems in their music.

M.M.Q said...

Monica Quintero
Reflection to Hamlet

Chris Begeman compared Hamlet to Eminem in many different ways. I think that he compared him because they both had a lot of struggles in their life.” Both resent their current family situations and mask the emotions with madness—both real and illusory.” There is not much to say about Hamlet being compared to Eminem they both went through a lot of struggles.

Unknown said...

I don’t agree with the modern Hamlet essay. Comparing a modern day rapper with a character in a play is ridiculous to start with. Not only is that but the whole premise of Hamlet revenge. Who does Marshall Mathers want revenge on?

The author of a Modern Hamlet also says”

“Hamlet and Mathers' use derangement as a method to hide the true intentions behind their behaviors: anger. Both resent their current family situations and mask the emotions with madness—both real and illusory.”

I didn’t realize that Mathers was insane. I personally think the entire comparison is ridiculous and poorly supported.

agutierrez said...

Chris Begeman argues that Hamlet can be compared to the famous rapper Eminem(Marshall Mathers). In his paper he gives many examples to prove the statement. While reading the play Hamlet I did not make the comparison myself, but after reading Begeman’s thoughts I agree. According to Begeman both Hamlet and Mathers resent their mothers, step father and have fathers that haunt them one is considered literal.

J Reyes said...

The blog of Hamlet from the play by William Shakespeare that compares the Protagonist Hamlet to today’s rap-artist Eminem. This blog is to show that how both Hamlet and Eminem are from different times and how one is just a character and another is a real person. Both are just like each other.

Chris Begeman wrote a paper on the two, and had compared them. To show just how similar they are to each other, Chris had said in his paper “ Both have stepfathers they resent. Both display animosity towards their mothers. Both use madness as a guise to explain their actions. Both verbally assault their significant others—in one case a wife, in the other case a potential wife. Both are haunted by their birth fathers, though the hauntings assume different forms”

Chris gives the feeling that Marshall Mathers (a.k.a. Eminem) is the real modern day hamlet. Is seems to be that the play almost repeats it’s self, but instead is not fiction, and in fact real.

dfisher2 said...

Eminem the modern Hamlet!

In the essay by Chris Begeman, there are many details that suggest Hamlet and Eminem live similar lives. This is true because both resent their mothers and step dad’s and because of this they both live angry lives. They both feel alone and have nobody talk to.

cbender said...
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PhilF said...

I agree with the criticism in many ways. I never knew that Hamlet, and Eminem had such a similar life. They both have stepfathers they resent, and they both verbally assault their significant other, and both use madness as a guise to explain their actions.

cbender said...

In the essay by Chris Begeman, there are many details that suggest Hamlet and Eminem live similar lives. This is true because both resent their mothers and step dads and because of this they both live angry lives. They both feel alone and have nobody to talk to.

JayneG said...

I agree that Eminem and Hamlet have many same qualities in their lives, and to say that Eminem is a modern Hamlet makes sense to an extent. Each of them have similar family issues as well as women problems. Many of Eminem’s song lyrics closely relate to the story of Hamlet. I never would have put the comparison together in my own head but now that I have read the article it is very clear to see how much the two are really alike. “Though numerous differences between Hamlet and Mathers/Eminem/Shady exist, the primary motifs that have brought them significant recognition and attention run parallel to each other.” This quote from the article shows how the two are not exactly the same but obviously similar.

KateC said...

A Modern Hamlet, by Chris Begman argues weather or not Eminem’s lyrics in many of his songs really indeed relate to the novel Hamlet. Through my reading of the paper I do agree to some points being that Eminem is in fact a modern day Hamlet. Both Hamlet and Eminem really do have family evils. Hamlet’s animosities towards his mother, as well as Eminem’s hatred towards his mother both show the similarities in the two of them. They both react in similar ways towards their anger. Lashing out towards someone, and getting revenge in a sense.

waz said...

Yes I agree with the criticism. I think Marshall Mathers is a modern Hamlet. Hamlet and Eminem have a very similar life. They both hate there stepfathers and both use madness as a guise to explain there actions.

cristinam said...

When Christopher Begeman discusses Hamlet he emphasizes his similarities between Hamlet and Marshall Mathers. Although he compares the differences amongst the two, he points out how much alike they really are. “The similarities between Shakespeare's character Hamlet and the numerous personas assumed by rap-artist Marshall Mathers (a.k.a Eminem or Slim Shady) in his lyrics
demonstrate the universal appeal of dramatic and artistic conventions and archetypes.” (“A Modern Hamlet?”- Chris Begeman) Chris indicates that both live and live for what they believe in. Through today’s time with Mathers, the media can and have been very critical. The early 1600’s during Hamlet’s time, it was very dangerous to speak out, but whether it was verbal or indirectly portrayed, he screamed his feelings. They also express a homely attitude towards the female they are drawn to. “…brings forth intense
feelings of hostility. Both men extrapolate the emotion and project it onto other women,
especially those with whom they are romantically involved.” (“A Modern Hamlet?”- Chris Begeman).

RachelD said...

Begeman talks about how Hamlet and Eminem lead similar lives. Both have family problems with their mother and step father. Both their fathers’ died and the mother remarried. Begemen says “They see their mothers' second marriages as insults to their fathers and to them.” With seeing this as an insult they hate their father and dilike their mother.

M.M.Q said...

Chris Begeman argues that Hamlet can be compared to the famous rapper Eminem(Marshall Mathers). In his paper he gives many examples to prove the statement. While reading the play Hamlet I did not make the comparison myself, but after reading Begeman’s thoughts I agree. According to Begeman both Hamlet and Mathers resent their mothers, step father and have fathers that haunt them one is considered literal.
February 19, 2009 6:23 AM

I gree with what Amand said. I guess they can be compared but up to a certain point.

TylerC said...

I think that Waz didn’t read too much of this assignment. Maybe he just skipped through the paragraphs. He should develop his thoughts and ideas more, and elaborate. It was a little short he should have made it a little longer. His main idea was good though.

Unknown said...


"Yes I agree with the criticism. I think Marshall Mathers is a modern Hamlet. Hamlet and Eminem have a very similar life. They both hate there stepfathers and both use madness as a guise to explain there actions."

Well Waz I disagree with your agreement. I think they have completley different ways of life. I also find your comment to be poorly written and unsupporting. Pherhaps if you actually read the essay you would understand why.

AngelaH said...

Don F ->
In the essay by Chris Begeman, there are many details that suggest Hamlet and Eminem live similar lives. This is true because both resent their mothers and step dad’s and because of this they both live angry lives. They both feel alone and have nobody talk to.

I fully don’t understand your opinion about the essay because there aren’t specifics. I think you should show more examples from the essay. Do they feel alone because of something that has happened?

waz said...

Chelsea Bender wrote a very nice blog. She made two good points. One point is that they both resent their mothers and step dads and because of this they both live angry lives. The other one is they both feel alone and have nobody to talk to.

PhilF said...

Don Fisher

"In the essay by Chris Begeman, there are many details that suggest Hamlet and Eminem live similar lives. This is true because both resent their mothers and step dad’s and because of this they both live angry lives. They both feel alone and have nobody talk to."

Don’s blog was very short, but to the point. He mentioned a few key details about Hamlet and Eminem share in common. In conclusion, I as well agree with Don’s criticism.

JayneG said...
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cristinam said...
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dhengst said...

The essay seems to potray eminem as a modern Hamlet nut I can not help but to disagree. Hamlet at it’s time was considered to be a revolutionary work of literature. A work of art if you will that will be remembered for ages to come. Eminem on the other hand won’t last the decade.

reyes15 said...

My reaction to a modern Hamlet is that both have a lot of similarities, they both have stepfathers that they do not like and they feel alone for not having some one to talk to. Chris Begeman stated “Hamlet and Mathers' use derangement as a method to hide the true intentions behind their behaviors: anger.” this means that they express themselves by acting different towards other people.

Erica said...

I don’t agree with the modern Hamlet essay. Comparing a modern day rapper with a character in a play is ridiculous to start with. Not only is that but the whole premise of Hamlet revenge. Who does Marshall Mathers want revenge on?

The author of a Modern Hamlet also says”

“Hamlet and Mathers' use derangement as a method to hide the true intentions behind their behaviors: anger. Both resent their current family situations and mask the emotions with madness—both real and illusory.”

I didn’t realize that Mathers was insane. I personally think the entire comparison is ridiculous and poorly supported.
- Daniel

I can understand what Daniel is saying, to compare a fictional character with a living rap artist is a little bizarre. However, I like the fact that you’re the only person to strongly disagree with these papers. I still believe that there are similar characteristics though.

KateC said...

A Modern Hamlet, by Chris Begman argues weather or not Eminem’s lyrics in many of his songs really indeed relate to the novel Hamlet. Through my reading of the paper I do agree to some points being that Eminem is in fact a modern day Hamlet. Both Hamlet and Eminem really do have family evils. Hamlet’s animosities towards his mother, as well as Eminem’s hatred towards his mother both show the similarities in the two of them. They both react in similar ways towards their anger. Lashing out towards someone, and getting revenge in a sense.
My Response to Daniel
I don’t agree with the modern Hamlet essay. Comparing a modern day rapper with a character in a play is ridiculous to start with. Not only is that but the whole premise of Hamlet revenge. Who does Marshall Mathers want revenge on? “Hamlet and Mathers' use derangement as a method to hide the true intentions behind their behaviors: anger. Both resent their current family situations and mask the emotions with madness—both real and illusory.” I didn’t realize that Mathers was insane. I personally think the entire comparison is ridiculous and poorly supported.

-I agree in a sense to what Daniel has said in his respond to A Modern Hamlet. I know I do agree myself to what Chris Begeman said, but Daniel in his response makes some good points.

- I agree that there are very few good points and that it is poorly supported.

-I do know that Chris Begeman makes a good point to argue, and that the two of the writings (Daniels response and Begeman) could make a good debate.

dfisher2 said...

waz said...
Yes I agree with the criticism. I think Marshall Mathers is a modern Hamlet. Hamlet and Eminem have a very similar life. They both hate there stepfathers and both use madness as a guise to explain there actions.
I agree with Waz because everything he said about the two men is true. They both hate their mothers and step dads and use their anger to get what they want in their life.

JayneG said...

Kristie Ghee

In part, I do agree that Hamlet and Eminem are similar in each other’s personalities. They both have problems within their families, within their relationships with women, and also inside their minds. The article explains these specifics of these problems that Hamlet and Eminem have in common, especially lines from the play and some of Eminem’s lyrics from various songs that were almost the same. The article states, “One of the prevalent themes in both Hamlet and Mathers' lyrics is the questionable sanity of the character.” This quote explains that both Eminem and Hamlet have unsteady mental states which give them something in common. I think it is possible to call Eminem the modern-day Hamlet, but it is also possible to say that a number of other musicians of today could also be the “modern-day Hamlet.” This is because many artists have many of the same problems as Eminem including with family, significant other or within their own minds, which they write about these problems in their music.
February 19, 2009 6:19 AM

I agree with Kristie because she saw that even though they are similar it isn’t just Eminem that you can compare with Hamlet. She noticed that they are similar but not the same.

J Reyes said...

"" I agree that Eminem and Hamlet have many same qualities in their lives, and to say that Eminem is a modern Hamlet makes sense to an extent. Each of them have similar family issues as well as women problems. Many of Eminem’s song lyrics closely relate to the story of Hamlet. I never would have put the comparison together in my own head but now that I have read the article it is very clear to see how much the two are really alike. “Though numerous differences between Hamlet and Mathers/Eminem/Shady exist, the primary motifs that have brought them significant recognition and attention run parallel to each other.” This quote from the article shows how the two are not exactly the same but obviously similar.""

I agree! I don’t think anyone would have made this connection until they saw this paper and/or sat down and really thought about it.

T said...

I chose the criticism on Eminem. In the paper written by a student named Chris Begeman, he states that he believes that Eminem, a rapper of today, is a modern Hamlet. He believes that both Young Hamlet in Shakespeare’s play “Hamlet” and Eminem share some similar characteristics. I don’t know very much about Eminem, but after reading Begeman’s paper, I see how much Eminem actually does have in common with Young Hamlet.
I agree very much with this criticism. It’s full of a lot of knowledge that makes it hard not to agree. Some of the lyrics Eminem wrote make not agreeing even more impossible. Just how Hamlet wanted to kill his step-father, Eminem says “And by the way when you see my dad / Tell him that I slit his throat in this dream I had” (“My Name Is”). He also questions her loyalty to her blood relatives just as Hamlet does. He says in “Marshall Mathers” “Mrs. Briggs [referring to her new husband] or Ms. Mathers.” These are just a few examples. Both Hamlet and Eminem have more in common than they think.

RachelD said...

I agree with what waz is saying. Both of them hate their step father. Also both show signs of going mad to explain why they hate him. Hamlet and Eminem have lived very similar lives with the circumstances they faced

T said...

The blog of Hamlet from the play by William Shakespeare that compares the Protagonist Hamlet to today’s rap-artist Eminem. This blog is to show that how both Hamlet and Eminem are from different times and how one is just a character and another is a real person. Both are just like each other.

Chris Begeman wrote a paper on the two, and had compared them. To show just how similar they are to each other, Chris had said in his paper “ Both have stepfathers they resent. Both display animosity towards their mothers. Both use madness as a guise to explain their actions. Both verbally assault their significant others—in one case a wife, in the other case a potential wife. Both are haunted by their birth fathers, though the hauntings assume different forms”

Chris gives the feeling that Marshall Mathers (a.k.a. Eminem) is the real modern day hamlet. Is seems to be that the play almost repeats it’s self, but instead is not fiction, and in fact real.

I agree with him. Eminem has very similar characteristics to Hamlet. Chris Begeman has plenty of support to back up the idea that Eminem is a modern Hamlet.

Amber said...

Christopher Begeman discusses Hamlet and his similarities to the well known rapper Eminem. He believes that they are more alike then we would ever imagine. When I was reading the play by William Shakespear, I never made the connection between them two. I agree with this statement because they both went through similar situations such as they both needed guidance while growing up and truly their stepfathers had trouble delivering it to them. They both went through many struggles and family conflicts. The quote “Sometimes I just feel like my father, I hate to be bothered" can reflect on both Hamlet and Eminem by having their fathers being missing from their lives. I believe they both are lonely and living in a hostile environment that views the world as a meaningless and unexplainable state.

Amber said...

Erica said...
I agree with the criticism from Chris Begeman’s a Modern Hamlet. At first when I heard about this article I didn’t think Eminem could possibly be seen as “similar” to Hamlet, but upon reading it I changed my mind. A quote from this article that I think is very true is “Both men extrapolate the emotion and project it onto other women, especially those with whom they are romantically involved” The emotion that this quote is referring to is their parent’s re-marriage to their stepparents. In my opinion, Hamlet and Mathers can be seen as two people who aren’t necessarily “all together” and everything that they have been through make them more resentful and angry.

I agree with Erica because at first I didn’t see the connection either between Hamlet and Eminem but this article has changed my mind also. I believe that they are both angry people as well.

AJ said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Dhebora Arantes

Eminem: a modern Hamlet

I don’t totally agree with everything, but as they keep comparing them, it’s easier to notice the similarities and comprehend them.
They both suffered with similar problems, such as being isolated from their parents, and from their “lovers”. Both are mentally “disturbed”, Eminem uses his lyrics to act crazy and go out of his mind, and Hamlet just acts crazy in front of everyone. They both overreact and become very angry with the others. That just makes them more crazy…haha…phycis!

Barack Obama said...

whats goody!

Anonymous said...

Amanda Rossi
Response to Hamlet Criticism:

Some of the most unknown questions that are never answered in Hamlet are the real feelings between Hamlet and his mother. In the Making Mother Matter psychoanalysis, Hamlet is analyzed by today’s physiologists and their interpretation of the character written by William Shakespeare.

One could say that Hamlet was jealous of his mother and Uncles relationship. Hamlet seems to adore his mother, but at the same times is “disgusted by the "contaminated" body of his mother.” After reading this passage, I neither agree nor disagree with the text because one will never know what William Shakespeare was thinking when he created Hamlet.

Anonymous said...

Mike Walsh
Response to “A Modern Hamlet”

After reading this story I would have to disagree with his statements. I don’t feel like he gave enough facts to compare the two characters. I also don’t feel like Hamlet and Eminem shared similar life styles. They do have a few similarities, but overall they are different types of people.

Barack Obama said...

Will the real slim shady please stand up? ...Hamlet stands up.

I agree whats goody

Anonymous said...

I do agree with the criticism presented in this article because both characters are spoiled, annoying, and I do not care much for their ideas or aspirations, both in the regal and musical worlds. The author uses the quote, "to put an antic disposition on," in regards to both figure’s unpredictable mental states. The blogger adds enough insight to sacrifice an epic masterpiece and make an unimportant musician seem legitimate.

MichaelC said...

Michael Cacace
Response to Hamlet Criticism

A Modern Hamlet

Hamlet is often compared to Eminem because of there family background. They both basically resent everyone who was ever close to them. Though the many similarities between Hamlet and Eminem there are great differences like for instance Hamlet never existed so to compare a living person to an idea is like comparing a unicorn to a horse though similar it doesn’t matter because there is not such thing as a unicorn.

nostalgickickz said...

Christopher Maldonado
Response to Hamlet criticism

“A modern Hamlet”

I for one agree that the character Hamlet and the rapper Eminem are very similar to a certain extent. They both lived a similar life in so much as to pretending to be mad but at the same time they were mad. They lived a very difficult life not growing up with their father but hamlet lost his father in a tragic death and Eminem’s father just wasn’t there. Their stories are very similar but yeah the endings are different. The way the express their pain of their lives are very different to because Hamlet fought for revenge and although hamlet wasn’t able to rap about it, that’s what Eminem did and he came from nothing to something and Hamlet was always royalty.”… the
questionable sanity of the character….” In this quote it states they are both similar mentally but it doesn’t state that they grew up differently.

DanielS said...

Daniel Saraceno
February 19, 2009
Hamlet Criticism
The skeptical of Marshal Mathers being a modern Hamlet is not too far fetched. Although its not going to be exactly the same considering Eminem is a real person and Hamlet is Shakespeare’s fictional character. I believe Shakespeare to a real life scenario and applied it into his day and age. Mathers loves his mother dearly and despises his stepfather, as does Hamlet even though his father was murdered by the new husband. The lines from the essay, "similarities between Shakespeare's character Hamlet and the numerous personas assumed by rap-artist Marshall Mathers (a.k.a Eminem or Slim Shady) in his lyrics demonstrate the universal appeal of dramatic and artistic conventions and archetypes," led me to notice the little thing that are same and dismiss the differences. The insanity he stages, in more than one of his song’s lyrics is just as how Hamlet recites his staged madness. There is more than likely more that proves he is indeed the modern Hamlet then meets the eyes, or ears.

dubb said...

Period 5
Response to Eminem/Hamlet relation

A modern Hamlet.

I believe that hamlet and slim shady have some things that are the same between them but I think that you can find similarities between any two people if you look hard enough. The similarities that they have are similar to most people through out the world. Most people have family problems and have a ruff relationship with there step fathers. With the problems with the step father naturally lead to problems with there mother because it is hard for them to take sides.

PhilB said...

I believe the accusation that modern day rapper Eminem is similar to William Shakespeare’s Hamlet is untrue. Though they share commonalities like a resented step-father, haunting biological father and the habit being overdramatic, Eminem is a recording artist on a record label and I believe the persona that we are fed to buy from said artist is nothing more then a successful marketing campaign. Eminem is not the only person who has had family difficulties in their life and his story has become so public because of artist promotion, marketing and the offenses he has made as a “troubled artist”.

Sean T said...

Eminem: A modern Hamlet?

This criticism, comparing Eminem to Hamlet, I believe is right in some senses. I agree with some of the similar characteristics, such as the fact that they both display misogyny towards women, and that they both resent their stepfathers. Also, we can not tell whether the madness they portrait is real or just an act to express their true emotions; these are all valid similarities one could use to argue that Eminem is indeed a modern day Hamlet. The line “The differences do not stop with these examples; however, their similarities point to archetypal themes that transcend the genre of historical context” shows that even though they are very different people, they do share common personality traits, whether from a modern age or the Shakespearian age, they are strikingly similar in many ways. However, the only thing I’ll say against this criticism is that they do display their anger in very different ways, Hamlet resents Claudius for killing his father, Eminem resents his stepfather for replacing his father, though he never knew him. Hamlet resents, Eminem hates. It is still ridiculous to compare a rapper to a fictional Shakespearian character to begin with in my opinion.

samantham said...

Samantha Macio
Response to Hamlet Criticism

“A Modern Hamlet”

I believe that Hamlet and modern day rapper, Eminem, are similar in many ways. I totally agree with this. They both seemed to have problems with their families. Both Hamlet, and Eminem, also both had issues with their stepfathers. Both of them, also have problems with their loved ones. It is shown when Hamlet says that he is going to, ”put on an antic disposition” which means that he is going to be crazy. Eminem puts it as “a couple of screws up in my head loose” meaning that Eminem seems to have a lot of problems. I think that they are alike in many ways due to the problems that they both have with the people around them.

Mark E said...

Mark Edwards
Response to Hamlet criticism

A modern Hamlet

The criticism between Eminem and Hamlet could possibly be true. Although it is strange that it all falls together it still seems to make sense. I agree with the text of the response to a modern Hamlet. How ever it could also be that Eminem is just trying to get his word out over made up problems to make himself look cool. Eminem said "a couple of screws up in my head loose". Hamlet also had a few screws loose as you can tell after reading the book. The blogger adds many original insights like how Eminem is like hamlet. This could be looked down upon but there was enough detail for someone who only paid a little bit of attention reading hamlet could believe for them to relate

Barack Obama said...

I'm president.

Anonymous said...

I agree with the comparison Chris Begeman has made between Hamlet and Eminem. I think Eminem is the closest modern day Hamlet that there is. I had no idea Hamlet and Eminem had so much in common. They both resent their stepfathers and they also have problems with the women they each love. To some people, Hamlet and Eminem are seen as two people who aren’t necessarily “all together” and everything that they have been through make them more resentful and angry. Hamlet shows his emotions through his actions, as to Eminem who expresses his feelings through his lyrics.

Chris G said...

I do not agree. Hamlet was perfectly sane, Eminem was/is not. He just saw a ghost of his father, who told him to kill his uncle. This is perfectly normal, it happens all the time. Eminem, on the other hand is completely insane. He grew up in a poor area with a “family” that didn’t care for him. He must be one in a million. Hamlet told his best friend only about his troubles. Eminem would never do that. He just tells the world and raps about it.

Barack Obama said...


Arianna B said...

Arianna Britton
Period 5
Response to hamlets criticism.

A modern hamlet: eminem

Within and throughout this piece, the writer brings out great points relating to emeinem and hamlet. He creates and brings out specific similarities between the two and does it in a way that’s easy to understand and process. I think he did a great job showing the similarities in very unique ways. After reading this I do believe that hamlet and emeinem do have many deep connections which I found to be very unusual. The writer uses quotes from some of eminem’s songs to help make you understand the connection alittle bit better. The anger, sadness and many other emotions are very similar between the two characters, and he really brings it out in the specific quotes he took out of some of the songs. The two back rounds are very similar relating to the people in both of their lives. The resemblance in family interactions is very interesting to read about. The writer brings out things that are very intriguing and keeps you wanting to read more.

nick said...

Nikolaus Leerdam
Response to Hamlet

A Modern Hamlet?

The relation of Eminem to Hamlet makes a lot of sense to me, thinking back on his music and freestyles has come to my attention that his pain comes from his family problems just like Hamlet. The quote "out of our medicine, out of our minds" and to have "a couple of screws up in my head loose" states how Eminem is sort of loosing his mind over the stress of his family problems. I feel that this was a well thought out relation between Hamlet and Eminem.

Anonymous said...

I disagree with the accusations of referring Hamlet to Eminem because I don’t believe Marshall Matters is a type of kid to be reading Hamlet giving his circumstance when he was young. Both characters had their series of family problems but who doesn’t? They both resent their mother and hate their step dads, just like any other person in the entire world. It is obscene to agree with this because of the fact that Eminem is a rapper and Hamlet is a poet. "A couple of screws up in my head loose,” shows that Eminem was bothered by his issues at home and that has made him to be who he is now. Hamlet only was crazy for a couple days because of the certain instances surrounding him.

Jackie F said...

I believe that the Hamlet is the modern day Eminem article is false. I believ the author of this essay used the same points over and over to persuade us to believe his own personal perspective. Personally i think any one that has issues with their family or love has relate to Hamlet, not just Eminem. The comaprisons were way to vague and many more people than you think share similarites with Hamlet. The author coud have compared Hamlet to anyone and madeus belive it, that is why i feel you have to look further into it.

Jackie F said...

I agreee with what chelsea said about them bth having problems with their dad and having angry difficult lives, and yes that is valid however alot more people have similair issues and they are not comparing themselves with hamlet. the article is way far fetched