Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Welcome to the class blog!

Congratulations! You made the first step towards becoming a member of the class blog. This blog will act as the class website. On this blog you can find:

1. Class Calendar - reminder for quiz dates, due dates, and reading logs.

2. Class Discussion - students are to comment on blog posts, extending classroom discussion outside the classroom walls.

A blog works a lot like the popular Internet site Myspace. Below this post, there is a "comment" button. Click on this button to comment! You will need to sign up for a Gmail account (which is free) to be able to post.

First Post:
To get this thing started, comment on this post by introducing yourself to the class. State your name and the superpower you would most like to have.

i.e Hello, my name is Mr. Guay. If it were possible, I would want the power to speak every language in the world. This way, I would be able to walk into a forest, per say, and communicate with hunters and gatherers in the Amazon Rainforest.

Some Rules:

1.This is an academic website and so your posts must remain academic and pertinent to the task at hand.

2. For your display name, make it your first name and the first letter of your last name. i.e. AmandaG